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Global Scan®


Identity Verification

KYC Searches




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The Global Scan® Service

Normally, all searches start with a basic scan of our systems, which we define as the Global Scan® service. This search permits us to cite the costs for obtaining all other information within each "information corridor" that may be identified during the initial scan. It also enables the ultimate client to maintain control of the scope, direction, and cost of a more extensive investigation. Each proposed search item is listed at the end of initial report.

ICI also does many types of in-depth cross-border scans on corporations and organizations. Like the Global Scan® service search on people, the prices vary. Each Global Scan® service search must start with a formal proposal which is done at no cost to the client.

Each prospective assignment is a customized project and we prepare individual proposals that are tailored to the needs of counsel. All proposals are complimentary and there is no obligation by the client to proceed at the proposal level. When you feel it is appropriate, we would be honored to provide you a complimentary proposal regarding a possible search target.

More on the Global Scan® Service

What is a Proposal?

Please note that a "proposal" is not a full scan, only an estimate of the cost to do a full Global Scan® Service search . At ICI, we never charge for any proposals for our clients. Our proposals will provide you a few details regarding your subject. It is done this way to insure that we have targeted the correct person and therefore, can provide you an accurate estimate to do the full Global Scan® Service search.

ICI can only be engaged by attorneys or corporate counsel on complex litigation or corporate background investigations and has clients all over the world. Most of our cases involve a need to determine the banking, financial, and credit relationships, personal background histories, corporate affiliations, executive associations, civil and criminal litigation studies, and many other factors. If you have any questions about our Global Scan® service, please contact us.

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ARADS®, ColdChek™, DirectChek™, DockuChek®, EuroChek®, Global Scan®, IdentiChek®, IncomeTrust™, and TerrorChek® are Trademarks of Investigative Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved.